Emma Watson dating Johnny Simmons

Ron Weasley who? Emma Watson is already putting the Harry Potter series behind her by starring in the upcoming film The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and apparently getting cozy with co-star Johnny Simmons. One thing I love about celebrity couples is that most of the time it's so predictable. Put two beautiful people on a movie set together, have them hang out all the time and take part in sex and nude scenes and of course they're going to fall for each other. Despite popular belief, Hollywood celebs are human. So we really shouldn't be surprised that a budding romance has started between Watson and Simmons. That's Hollywood for ya!

On Tuesday, the alleged couple stepped out to share a meal together in Santa Monica and were spotted sharing a kiss before heading inside the restaurant. The two were photographed hiking together earlier this summer as well, although the young actress has previously denied rumors that she and Simmons are romantically involved. It's alright Emma, we don't need you to confirm anything. Looks like your lips were doing the talking for you! We'll just have to wait and see if this flame fizzles out once the film wraps. So what do you think -- do they make a cute couple?

Source: People