Gaddafi vows to stay in Tripoli to the end

Rebel fighters have been celebrating as they head towards the Libyan capital, Tripoli on Sunday, for what they believe is the final battle against Muammar Gaddafi.

Hundreds of local residents lined the road to cheer on those heading towards Gaddafi's last stronghold, shouting: "Freedom, freedom."

Gaddafi has gone on state TV vowing to stay in Tripoli "to the end" and called on his supporters to take up arms to fight the rebel "rats".

There have already been casualties, overnight fighting on Saturday killed 376 on both sides and injured about 1,000 others according to a Libyan government official.

One of the rebel fighters, Muammer, said: "We will win. Nothing can stop us. Gaddafi is finished."

Thoughts have already turned to who will take power if they gain control of the capital Tripoli.

Libyan rebel Husam Najjair said: "The first thing my brigade will do is set up checkpoints to disarm everyone, including other rebel groups, because otherwise it will be a bloodbath.

"All the rebel groups will want to control Tripoli. Order will be needed."

Gaddafi's fall is far from certain, the city is much bigger than anything the anti-Gaddafi fighters, with their scavenged weapons and mismatched uniforms, have ever tackled.