Fake Yo-Yo Champion Fooling Midwest TV Stations: Funny Or Not?

Kenny Strasser, Kenny Strassburg, or K-Strass (as he likes to be called), has been going around Midwestern TV stations posing as a yo-yo champion and getting booked on their shows. Strasser has hit at least three shows where he performs (if he doesn't forget the string for his yo-yo) his "tricks" and shows off his skills, leaving hosts flabbergasted. And, though he is clearly not a yo-yo champion or even good, he kept getting on shows, making up different stories about himself and wearing the same outfit: suspenders, green shorts, and a yellow cap.

One host said of Strasser, "He did some really lame things. He hit himself in the face and the groin with his yo-yo." Lisa Malak, the anchor to whom Strasser claimed he forgot the string for his yo-yo, filled time by talking to the man, saying "it was the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to me on the air." Do you think this guy is funny or not?